Wednesday, November 26, 2008

We're All Dead.

The other day, the Shell Oil Company was drilling for oil and found a strange creature about a mile and a half underwater. It looked a little something like this:

This squid is a new type of squid found to have elbow like arms. It's also really freaking scary. I think this is the first step of evolution of squids, its only a matter of time before were gonna be running from this:

I never knew Cloverfield was actually based on a future true story. Crazy squids.

Monday, November 24, 2008


I may have found a music program which...may be better than iTunes. Now wait, before you go and grab your pitchfork and coming storming towards my house, just listen. Yes, iTunes is the top music program that people use, but I feel like that's mainly because people use iPods. I'll admit iTunes does have some pluses. I really think its great with its podcasts, but there are more and more places you can get these podcasts. As far as purchasing music goes, yes iTunes is easy, but you can only listen to purchased music on your accounts and only on iTunes. I have used iTunes this whole time because it does its job. It plays my music, and puts music on my iPod. But the other day I came across a program that completely beats out iTunes in terms of awesomeness: Songbird. Developed by Firefox (no surprise), this music program is great because it allows add-ons to its normal program, just like Firefox. Here are the reasons why Songbird is worth getting:

1. iPod Support
Songbird has an add-on which allows your iPod to work just as easy with Songbird as it does with iTunes.

2. Last.FM Scrobbling
If you dont know what is, you should stop reading right now and go get it. basically logs all the tracks you listen to (on your computer or iPod) and puts them all on your user profile. Then you can see your most listened to tracks, as well as music compatibility to your friends (well maybe its not as good as eHarmonys compatibility, but it works). This feature is supported in Songbird, which means any song you listen to on it will get scrobbled. Oh, they also have a thing where finds you cover art automatically for songs, as well as music recommendations based on what you like.

3. Concerts Near You
Being in Boston, I like to know whenever artists I listen to come to any of the many music places in the area, and this add-on is truly great for that. It goes through your library, and lists artists playing near you. Instead of tracking all your favorite artists' shows down, they're all in one convenient location.

4. LyricMaster
LyricMaster is this sweet program that automatically finds the lyrics to the song you are currently playing in Songbird. So if you're in the mood to sing along badly but aren't sure of the words, now its easy to know. It's one step away from those sing a long songs on TV that have the lyrics show up as they are being said. Maybe Songbird will have that one day.

5. SHOUTcast Radio
Not only do you get all the music in your library, but Songbird as a great radio station add on, where you can type in your favorite genres and listen to new music from that genre, for FREE. It's a nice little add-on that gives you something else iTunes doesn't.

The Unneccessary X-Factor: still not convinced? Well this is probably the dumbest thing ever (or the coolest thing ever), but Songbird as an add on that let's you tap out the tune of a song, and then it will find it for you. So if you have a song stuck in your head and forget the name, you can tap it out on the spacebar and SongTapper will find it for you.

While its still in its early stages and there's probably a few things that could still be fixed about Songbird, its definitely becomming my favorite program to listen to music.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Attack of the Cats

Apple may be coming out with its next OS, Snow Leopard in the first quarter of 2009. At first this struck me as hilarious since I just finally got around to getting Leopard on Saturday. Now, they decide to come out with a whole new operating system. Just my luck. Then I realized that the only difference between the names of the two was adding in Snow this time around. Which made me think, what are they going to keep naming these operating systems in the future?

So far, Apple has used these names:
10.0 - Cheetah
10.1 - Puma
10.2 - Jaguar
10.3 - Panther
10.4 - Tiger
10.5 - Leopard
10.6 - Snow Leopard

Obviously, Apple seems to have some weird cat fetish. But that being the case, Apple is slowly running out of options for their future operating systems. I mean they are only so many types of cats out there. Well then I decided to look at Wikipedia and found out that there are a lot more species of cats that exist in this world that I could have even imagined. I figured they could get by with Lion, Lynx, Cougar, and if they were really stretching for names, the Ocelot, but there are still so many other possibilities. Here are some that I think would really be great for Apple:

10.7 - Kodkod (Really rolls of the tongue.)
10.8 - Colocolo (I guess if you just repeat a weird sounding work it is a type of cat.)
10.9 - Clouded Leopard
11.0 - Bornean Clouded Leopard (You can never have enough Leopards.)
11.1 - Flat-headed Cat (This is the point where they just gave up on coming up with cool sounding names and just started describing cats by how they looked.)
11.2 - Rusty-spotted Cat
11.3 - Geoffroy's Cat (Apparently Geoffroy gets his own species of cat. What a douche.)

And byfar, my favorite one (complete with picture)
11.4 - Medantereon

Jinni...The Pandora of Movies

Everyone loves Pandora. It's a great music website that lets you not only listen to music for free, but find new artists that sound similar to artists you like. Now, I know everyone is thinking to themselves: Wouldn't it be great if they did that for movies? Well guess what? They do now. Jinni, a newly developed website that is still in its beta stage, is looking to do to movies what Pandora is doing for music. Not only are they looking to do the same thing, they are looking to blow Pandora's matching out of the water.

Jinni does not just want to take a movie that you like and give you similar movies (I mean Netflix does that), but you can do so much more. You can type in a mood you're in, certain genre you're looking for, a good movie for a date, and basically anything else you can think of. So say you want a romantic comedy thriller set in post World War I that was shot on location in Croatia. Well like, maybe that movie doesn't exactly exist, but if it does Jinni will find it. Say you want a sci fi indie movie set in the stone age. Seriously, if you're actually looking for that you're a moron.

Monday, November 17, 2008

My Day...In Haikus

I woke up today
I'll hit the snooze one more time
Mondays are a bore

Bacon for breakfast
Stuck with cheerios again
What a crappy meal

It is freezing out
Some jerk just bumped into me
Did he have a knife?

I'm in an alley
He is moving really fast
What is happening?

There's another guy
Oh my god he just stabbed him
What do I do now?

There's blood everywhere
I better get out of here
Oh crap he sees me

Running away fast
Adrenaline is pumping
He's right on my heels

Tackled to the ground
What a bad day to record
Mondays always suck

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

2012 Election

I think we need to get this 2012 election going. Who's running? I want a constant stream of election news.