Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Black Cab Sessions

I am a big fan of music. I'm an even bigger fan of musicians doing really cool stuff while playing songs. Like when Arcade Fire played Neon Bible in an elevator. That's why I've become obsessed with The Black Cab Sessions. The Black Cab Sessions takes artists, throws them in the back seat of a cab, and has them play beautiful music. They get one shot to play a song all the way through and then its posted on their website. It's pretty sweet seeing bands play as double decker buses and cars are riding right on by, and there all some really solid bands on there. These bands include Death Cab For Cutie, Fleet Foxes, My Morning Jacket, Cold War Kids, Spoon, Peter Bjorn and John, Bon Iver, The Kooks, The New Pornographers, and many many more. There's really no point in me still talking to you about this anymore.

You just need to check it out: The Black Cab Sessions

Friday, May 8, 2009

Pick The Perp

I came across a hilarious site today called Pick the Perp. Basically, the website gives you 5 mug shots and a crime, and you decide which person committed that crime. Not only is it fun, but it also shows how much you profile people:
Like how I was very wrong thinking the skinny white guy would commit domestic battery when it was really the blond haired girls. Anyways, it's a good way to waste some time. Get on with it: Pick the Perp

Cafe Disco

So I really enjoyed "The Office" last night. Cafe Disco was a huge success. One of the songs was this kind of indie type song that I very much enjoyed so I tracked it down and got it on here for your listening pleasure. Listen to The Blam - Various Disgraces.