Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Top 250 Movies

I decided on a new goal the other day: that I would see all of IMDBs top 250 movies. This is going to take a long time, but I figured I should do it at one point in my life. Anyways, I also wanted to post a bit more, so I will most likely post after I watch each movie just to give a quick review of what I thought. Some will be quick, some will be lengthy, lots may just be haikus like this one for The Usual Suspects, number 81 finished for me and #22 on IMDBs list:

Spacey pulls a con,
They're convinced he's not the guy
Shoot, turns out he is.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Clem Snide CD Out Tomorrow

For the past three years singer/songwriter Eef Barzelay has been on his own. He released two albums in addition to creating the soundtrack for the indie movie Rocket Science. And last year, he came to Northeastern, opening for Ben Folds. You may remember him; he was that awkward guy singing about pretending to be drunk in order to get with a girl he liked. But before Barzelay was a solo act, he was a member of the band Clem Snide. Clem Snide released their first album in the late 90s and had plans to release their sixth full-length album in 2006. However, before it was released, the band broke up, and Barzelay was left alone with an unreleased album.
While the reuniting of bands seems like all the rage these days, Clem Snide wants more than just money or fame. They are not a huge, mega-band that is reuniting in order to have a reunion tour and generate a lot of money. They are not looking for a grand resurgence. Their reunion is about setting aside whatever differences existed in the past to release new material. Their album, which should have released three years ago, is titled Hungry Bird.
In addition to their release on February 24th, Clem Snide is also going on tour to let people know that they are back in the music world. It may not be as big as the Blink 182 reunion tour, but for them and for their fans it will be a great experience.

See Clem Snide in Boston on March 19th at The Middle East and buy their album Hungry Bird, which releases on Tuesday, February 24th.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Valentine Cards

Here are some Valentine Cards that did not quite make it to Hallmark. They may or may not be offensive:

Friday, February 13, 2009

The Ultimate V-Day Song

Now I have a lot of music I would consider nice and romantic: the perfect music for a lovely date on Valentine's Day. However, if I were to go through all my music and find one song which would epitomize Valentine's Day and romance in all its beauty (which is really freaking hard), I would have to go with You Belong To Me by The 88. The reason is as simple as the song: It's about love and being with someone. There is not a lot more to it than that, and that's what makes it so lovely sounding. Also, it is used in the show "How I Met Your Mother," which gives it some big bonus points. Anyways, give it a listen, maybe send it to your lover, and if you hear it on the streets this weekend its probably cause i'll be walking my single self around playing it until I impress a girl enough to be my Valentine. It works 2 out of 3 times. Listen

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Odds on Things You Will Hear During Brett Favre's Press Conference

What's Heard

"This really will be the last time." 4:1
"The only reason I do this every year is because I like the attention" 6:1
"Coming back and playing for the Jets was a bad idea" 3:1
Thanking God for what he has done for him 2:1
Brett Favre crying EVEN
"The only reason I'm retiring is in hopes the Packers will take me back" 5:1
"Life is not all about Football. Actually, yes it is" 10:1
"You guys are all suckers. I'm not retiring" 3:2
"If I could do this all again, I probably would have found a better team" 20:1

Thursday, February 5, 2009

25 Things That May or May Not Interest You

It seems that everyone is doing this next big thing on Facebook that happens in the Note section. It's that great game called 25 things about me. I would explain how it works but I mean it is in the title and if you don't get it you can read the instructions that everyone has on Facebook. The best thing about these lists is that 90% of the people making them have a disclaimer or their first fact that goes something like this: I hate these things and normally never do this, but i have nothing better to do/i'm bored/i'd rather do this than homework/any other excuse to keep people from thinking I actually enjoy these things. If you need something fun to do and waste some time, there are plenty of other things to do. I promise you. Talk to me I'll give you some great ideas. But like I will admit I do kind of like these things from time to time, but I'm not that intriguing of a person. Instead I though I would give you 25 random facts that may come in handy some day, instead of 25 pieces of useless information about my life:

1. Cable television was first introduced in Pennslyvania in 1948

2. India produces more movies a year than the US

3. Angora wool comes from rabbits

4. Mikhail Gorbachev was the last president of the Soviet Union

5. Wind Speed is measure in knots

6. The leading ballerina of a dance company is called the prima ballerina

7. Halley's Comet returns to earth every 76 years

8. There are about one billion illeterate adults in the world

9. Bananas are comprised of 75% water

10. The Lincoln Tunnel is the only three tube underwater vehicular tunnel in the world

11. West Virginia was the first state to have sales tax

12. The cable cars of San Fransisco are the only moving nation landmarks

13. The first People's Magazine Sexiest Man Alive was Mel Gibson in 1985

14. The most common birthday in the US is October 5th

15. URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator

16. Richmond, Virginia was the captiol of the Confederacy

17. Charlemange was the first emperor of the Holy Roman Empire

18. There are more tennis courts per capita in Vermont than anywhere else in the U.S.

19. Northwestern is the only school in the Big 10 that's not a state school

20. It is illegal to kiss for more than 5 minutes in Iowa

21. The average American works 9 more weeks a year than the average European

22. The big toe is called the hallux

23. The 1939 novel Gadsby by Ernest Vincent Wright does not contain the letter "e"

24. Sting was born Gordon Matthew Sumner

25. People who collect teddy bears are called archtophilists

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Get Paid To Watch Porn

So you know all those Comcast subscribers in Tuscon, AZ that were subjected to about 30 seconds of porn during the Super Bowl Sunday? Comcast decided that the best way to get people past all that scarring was to give them a $10 certificate towards Comcast's service. Not only is it only $10, but you only get it if you call Comcast's number. Best way for Comcast to get out of taking responsibility for its mistakes or the best way to make money watching porn?