Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Jinni...The Pandora of Movies

Everyone loves Pandora. It's a great music website that lets you not only listen to music for free, but find new artists that sound similar to artists you like. Now, I know everyone is thinking to themselves: Wouldn't it be great if they did that for movies? Well guess what? They do now. Jinni, a newly developed website that is still in its beta stage, is looking to do to movies what Pandora is doing for music. Not only are they looking to do the same thing, they are looking to blow Pandora's matching out of the water.

Jinni does not just want to take a movie that you like and give you similar movies (I mean Netflix does that), but you can do so much more. You can type in a mood you're in, certain genre you're looking for, a good movie for a date, and basically anything else you can think of. So say you want a romantic comedy thriller set in post World War I that was shot on location in Croatia. Well like, maybe that movie doesn't exactly exist, but if it does Jinni will find it. Say you want a sci fi indie movie set in the stone age. Seriously, if you're actually looking for that you're a moron.

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